Saturday, August 6, 2011

The cats let him sleep in

It's Wash's 27th birthday today!!!!!!!!!!!


Back in a bit, taking him and some friends up to overnight where there is a pool, bbq, friends, and a sweet puppy to cuddle.

Fuck you cancer. Fuck you.
I have my husband, my best friend on his birthday - AGAIN.
Fuck you brain cancer.

For now, he's still mine.

-And thank you, Cherie Priest. We got your package this week. I broke down and cried. My deepest appreciation for you to do that.

Fuck cancer, my husband is alive and 27, and today will kick ass.


  1. Happy Birthday to the best pilot ever!

  2. Happy Birthday to Wash! I haven't been here in a bit, but I was re-watching Firefly tonight, which always makes me think of you guys, so when I came and saw it was Wash's birthday, I thought you needed to see this: Best birthday card ever!
