We had a good start to the (Jewish) New Year with my family having dinner the other night. Yum. My mum picked up some honey-cake for us too.
Aside from just wondering what service next is to be shut off (we lost internet earlier this week and got it back with some help) and worrying about that, my brain is stuck on Wash. We went to the doc's this week- his ENT to check on the follow up for his eye cyst. I was freaking out as I had received a bill from them for $146~ from his first visit and I couldn't pay that or whatever they would charge to see Wash this week. Thankfully we both got some good news from that trip; the Billing dept had put Wash in as 'No insurance self pay' despite his insurance info being on the paperwork *I* filled out. So, 3 office staff later and two people in billing it was cleared up and erased. Small favours.
Wash meanwhile was treated to a less invasive scan of his sinus cavity and told it was NOT a cyst, or even a tumor. Just inflamed scar tissue. Apparently he broke his nose some 20 years ago and that's just how his head looks in a MRI. Thankfully he didn't need a biopsy, or worse more surgery.
He's just been distant and cranky lately. I ask him for help or to try something or he asks for guidance and then it just... gets ignored. Forgotten. I know that's the result of the cancer, or tumor, or surgeries.... I still get disturbed by it.
There are some other issues brewing as well, but not anything I feel comfortable talking about yet. Basically there have been some statements come out against Wash having comforts, or a Quality of Life- especially if it costs ME anything. To some, I guess his happiness at the end of his life doesn't matter just how much he "costs" to stay alive each day.
I have some ... anger issues, at this way of thinking.
Wash just turned 27. There's a 1% chance he will see 30.
To me, his quality of life is paramount in importance.
It's his life and death. He gets to decide what makes him happy while he can still FEEL happy, and he gets to decide when the pain is too much to go on anymore.
I get so tired and depressed having to explain this to other human beings. To me, it's fucking common sense.