Wednesday, October 10, 2012


In some moments it hits me like a car going 35 MPH.

I just had a conversation out loud.
With myself.
Because I live alone now.
My husband died. I can talk, but he's not going to answer anymore.

I'm so used to telling him everything.
Now, I'm talking to myself/the cats.

Part of my new "normal".


  1. Hi ~ an entire month has now passed............ (i.e., from September 11th - to - today, October 11th)............ since Wash has been gone. Jack and I respect your dear Wash, Tashi, by............ taking Due Time To Mourn And Grieve his absence.

    We cry again with you today, too............ but we also simply feel so, *so* blessed to have (from afar) known............ your dear, wonderful, a.m.a.z.i.n.g., "geek evangelist"............ (i.e., as his fraternity brother commented!!)............ Wash.

    Extra {(*hugs*)} to you today -

  2. Nothing wrong with talking to yourself, to your cats, to the spirit of Wash that lives inside you and around you every second of every day.

    Anyone who says otherwise is truly the crazy one.

    Talk. It's good for you.

  3. Keep on talking, he's listening!! Hang in there! ::hugs::
